Friday, 5 June 2015

AWW 3rd June 2015: Hot Day at Rosario


This was the penultimate walk for the season. An early-ish start of 9am was set. Yves had asked for an even earlier start and was graciously given permission to set off at 8.30 am if he wished , a dispensation which in the end he turned down. But, judging by all the red faces and sweaty bodies at the end, perhaps we would have been wiser to have heeded le Français Sagace after all, because by 9 am it was already above 25C and rising!


The Starters

Janet, Terry A,Yves, Marian, Sarah, Miriam, Lynn, Ken, Jan, JohnO, Laura, Ingrid, Maria, David, JohnH (leader).

No dogs.

15 starters in the picture, but only 14 walked. How come? Well, Terry´s car had received a direct gremlin hit. When he got out on arrival, the door locked with the key  – and his dog – still inside. A call for help was made to Jill back home but he couldn´t join us. Shame. No proprietors´ dogs then, but 2 brown corgi sort of things from the Mira Rio Restaurante decided to accompany us. 

The track 

AWW track 2015 06 03 Rosario

As you will see, an exercise in how to squeeze several circuitous kilometres into a restricted space.

The Statistics:

Distance: 11.6 km, Total time: 3 hrs 30 mins. Moving time: 2 hrs 45 mins.

Av. moving speed: 4.2 kph. Total ascent: 247m.


A gentle hill

We set off along the canal which was full of water moving at quite a current. By special request of Ingrid, we avoided the first challenging hill and strolled through the little village of Vale de Lama, then up a gentle hill and along and over into the valley below Drambuie House, and then down to the shaded Canal Cottage. Here Maria purloined a large piece of pottery from the Cottage grounds, and watered the two dogs.


Purloined pottery put to good use

This spot brought back memories of a walk here (5th January 2011) when the canal was dry, and two lambs got trapped in it, and today´s missing Terry A was at hand to help the owner retrieve her lost sheep. Four pics from the Archive follow.

19 Ilha P1040013


20 Ilha P1040016_2

No such drama this time and we travelled peacefully along the canal to the Clube Nautico where we had quite a long pause. The Clube seemed to have had a face lift in the past few months and, although no barmen were evident, we were able to make ourselves at home.





“Well, fancy that !”


Further on we struggled for a bit over a pathless hill and the leader lost his sense of direction for a moment, blaming it on recent ploughing activity having obliterated the track, but good humour prevailed despite the ever-increasing heat.



Nifty footwork demonstrated by Ken


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At the summit, a strong wind dislodged Maria´s bouquet, but Jan was at hand to re-anchor it.

Back down the hill to the Canal Cottage once more where water was provided for the one dog still with us, when the owner of the cottage, a large bearded fellow, emerged to see what was disturbing his peace. He turned out to be a quite friendly Frankfurter, 15 years resident. Jan asked if the Cottage was for sale, Frank said “jah, for the right price” and, as far as I know, negotiations are ongoing. Does Otter approve? Does Otter even know?

We made our way homeward along the canal, some turning off for a few moments at the Ilha Rosario view point where they saw a fisherman with his haul of dourada (golden bream)

Back then to Mira Rio for cool drinks and for some purchases of oranges, lemons and dried figs.




Instead of a closing quotation (pace the Emeritus Chief Blogger) , how about a reprise of the Muppets´ Whiffenpoof Song” of the lost sheep from January 2011?

Click here:-